Glengarry Private Hospital
Part of Ramsay Health Care

GP Resources

Sandalwood Palliative Care Unit

With ten newly refurbished bedrooms, Sandalwood is a boutique self-contained facility adjacent to the hospital. Providing comprehensive care from a multi-disciplinary team across medical, nursing and allied health specialties, Sandalwood is dedicated to holistically improving the quality of life for patients with life-limiting illness, while supporting their carers' and loved ones.

GPs can refer direct and visits to view the facilities are welcome.

Further information available here.

Please contact the Clinical Nurse Manager: Tel (08) 9246 6395 Email:

Rehabilitation Services

Glengarry Private Hospital provides specialised care, therapy and support to assist patients return to independence and the lifestyle activities important to them.

GPs can refer patients direct for rehabilitation without the need to wait for specialist appointment.

Further information available here.

Please contact the Clinical Nurse Manager: Tel (08) 9246 6395 Email:


Sandalwood Palliative Care Unit

Sandalwood Palliative Care Unit