Rehabilitation Unit

The Rehabilitation Unit at Glengarry Private Hospital has been serving the community since 1977. It is dedicated to the provision of multidisciplinary restorative care to patients recovering from a myriad of conditions including post-elective surgery, recent acute illnesses and those coping with chronic degenerative illnesses. It is a centre with a significant expertise with the care of Parkinson's disease and other neuromuscular disorders.
Our team is led by our primary care consultant physicians from PRACWA in collaboration with experienced clinical nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, social workers, speech pathologists and dieticians. Our approach is holistic and inclusive with the aim of setting and achieving goals that are attainable and empowering to each patient through our teams collective input in a positive environment that encourages recovery.
Our restorative program includes:
- individualised goal directed programs for each patient (reviewed weekly at a goal directed multidisciplinary team meeting)
- scheduled group Rehabilitation classes to enhance function and independence
- full pharmacological review and assessment and medication optimisation
- comprehensive discharge planning with involvement of relevant community service providers as necessary
Our Facilities
- 20 private single rooms with private ensuite bathrooms and access to outside gardens
- on site gym
- pre-discharge home visits as clinically required
Our Values
- provide a respectful, nurturing and encouraging environment to all patients
- provide a holistic team centred approach to setting and achieving functional goals
- for each team member to fulfil their role with honesty and integrity
Catering services
Food and nutrition is an important part of attaining good health and enjoying life. Each day you’ll receive a menu from which to choose your meals which are devised by our dietician and prepared by our chef and his team. We’ll always make every effort to accommodate your preferences.
Our Physicians
Dr Barry Vieira
Dr Kevin Kwan
Dr Richard Cordell
Dr Jake Harper
Dr Nicole Lothe
Dr Larry Liew
Dr Tiana Goonerantne