Glengarry Private Hospital
Part of Ramsay Health Care

You are here: Home > Our Services > Early Parenting Centre > Program Cost

Cost and Eligibility Criteria


Your stay at the Glengarry Early Parenting Centre is covered by private health insurance, however we encourage you to check with your individual fund. Depending on your policy or level of cover, an excess may be applicable. We can do a fund check on your behalf during the pre-admission process. Your baby must be be on your health insurance policy in order to be covered.

In terms of out of pocket expenses, there will be a fee for the paediatrician consultation for your baby; a requirement for admission to the Centre.

Please note, those not covered by private health are still eligibile to take part in the program however a self-insured rate will apply, depending on the needs of parent and baby.

To be eligible for the program babies need to be aged between 6 weeks and 12 months. 

For more information, complete the enquiry form here. Alternatively, call the centre on 08 9246 6341.